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QCPColorMapData Class Reference

Holds the two-dimensional data of a QCPColorMap plottable. More...

#include <qcustomplot.h>

Collaboration diagram for QCPColorMapData:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 QCPColorMapData (int keySize, int valueSize, const QCPRange &keyRange, const QCPRange &valueRange)
 ~QCPColorMapData ()
 QCPColorMapData (const QCPColorMapData &other)
QCPColorMapDataoperator= (const QCPColorMapData &other)
int keySize () const
int valueSize () const
QCPRange keyRange () const
QCPRange valueRange () const
QCPRange dataBounds () const
double data (double key, double value)
double cell (int keyIndex, int valueIndex)
void setSize (int keySize, int valueSize)
void setKeySize (int keySize)
void setValueSize (int valueSize)
void setRange (const QCPRange &keyRange, const QCPRange &valueRange)
void setKeyRange (const QCPRange &keyRange)
void setValueRange (const QCPRange &valueRange)
void setData (double key, double value, double z)
void setCell (int keyIndex, int valueIndex, double z)
void recalculateDataBounds ()
void clear ()
void fill (double z)
bool isEmpty () const
void coordToCell (double key, double value, int *keyIndex, int *valueIndex) const
void cellToCoord (int keyIndex, int valueIndex, double *key, double *value) const

Protected Attributes

int mKeySize
int mValueSize
QCPRange mKeyRange
QCPRange mValueRange
bool mIsEmpty
double * mData
QCPRange mDataBounds
bool mDataModified


class QCPColorMap

Detailed Description

Holds the two-dimensional data of a QCPColorMap plottable.

This class is a data storage for QCPColorMap. It holds a two-dimensional array, which QCPColorMap then displays as a 2D image in the plot, where the array values are represented by a color, depending on the value.

The size of the array can be controlled via setSize (or setKeySize, setValueSize). Which plot coordinates these cells correspond to can be configured with setRange (or setKeyRange, setValueRange).

The data cells can be accessed in two ways: They can be directly addressed by an integer index with setCell. This is the fastest method. Alternatively, they can be addressed by their plot coordinate with setData. plot coordinate to cell index transformations and vice versa are provided by the functions coordToCell and cellToCoord.

This class also buffers the minimum and maximum values that are in the data set, to provide QCPColorMap::rescaleDataRange with the necessary information quickly. Setting a cell to a value that is greater than the current maximum increases this maximum to the new value. However, setting the cell that currently holds the maximum value to a smaller value doesn't decrease the maximum again, because finding the true new maximum would require going through the entire data array, which might be time consuming. The same holds for the data minimum. This functionality is given by recalculateDataBounds, such that you can decide when it is sensible to find the true current minimum and maximum. The method QCPColorMap::rescaleDataRange offers a convenience parameter recalculateDataBounds which may be set to true to automatically call recalculateDataBounds internally.

Definition at line 2997 of file qcustomplot.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QCPColorMapData::QCPColorMapData ( int  keySize,
int  valueSize,
const QCPRange keyRange,
const QCPRange valueRange 

Constructs a new QCPColorMapData instance. The instance has keySize cells in the key direction and valueSize cells in the value direction. These cells will be displayed by the QCPColorMap at the coordinates keyRange and valueRange.

See also
setSize, setKeySize, setValueSize, setRange, setKeyRange, setValueRange

Definition at line 19621 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QCPColorMapData::~QCPColorMapData ( )

Definition at line 19634 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QCPColorMapData::QCPColorMapData ( const QCPColorMapData other)

Constructs a new QCPColorMapData instance copying the data and range of other.

Definition at line 19643 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

double QCPColorMapData::cell ( int  keyIndex,
int  valueIndex 

Definition at line 19684 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorMapData::cellToCoord ( int  keyIndex,
int  valueIndex,
double *  key,
double *  value 
) const

Transforms cell indices given by keyIndex and valueIndex to cell indices of this QCPColorMapData instance. The resulting coordinates are returned via the output parameters key and value.

If you are only interested in a key or value coordinate, you may pass 0 as key or value.

The QCPColorMap always displays the data at equal key/value intervals, even if the key or value axis is set to a logarithmic scaling. If you want to use QCPColorMap with logarithmic axes, you shouldn't use the QCPColorMapData::cellToCoord method as it uses a linear transformation to determine the cell index.
See also
coordToCell, QCPAxis::pixelToCoord

Definition at line 19953 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorMapData::clear ( )

Frees the internal data memory.

This is equivalent to calling setSize(0, 0).

Definition at line 19896 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorMapData::coordToCell ( double  key,
double  value,
int *  keyIndex,
int *  valueIndex 
) const

Transforms plot coordinates given by key and value to cell indices of this QCPColorMapData instance. The resulting cell indices are returned via the output parameters keyIndex and valueIndex.

The retrieved key/value cell indices can then be used for example with setCell.

If you are only interested in a key or value index, you may pass 0 as valueIndex or keyIndex.

The QCPColorMap always displays the data at equal key/value intervals, even if the key or value axis is set to a logarithmic scaling. If you want to use QCPColorMap with logarithmic axes, you shouldn't use the QCPColorMapData::coordToCell method as it uses a linear transformation to determine the cell index.
See also
cellToCoord, QCPAxis::coordToPixel

Definition at line 19930 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

double QCPColorMapData::data ( double  key,
double  value 

Definition at line 19673 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QCPRange QCPColorMapData::dataBounds ( ) const

Definition at line 3010 of file qcustomplot.h.

void QCPColorMapData::fill ( double  z)

Sets all cells to the value z.

Definition at line 19904 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

bool QCPColorMapData::isEmpty ( ) const

Returns whether this instance carries no data. This is equivalent to having a size where at least one of the dimensions is 0 (see setSize).

Definition at line 3028 of file qcustomplot.h.

QCPRange QCPColorMapData::keyRange ( ) const

Definition at line 3008 of file qcustomplot.h.

int QCPColorMapData::keySize ( ) const

Definition at line 3006 of file qcustomplot.h.

QCPColorMapData & QCPColorMapData::operator= ( const QCPColorMapData other)

Overwrites this color map data instance with the data stored in other.

Definition at line 19656 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorMapData::recalculateDataBounds ( )

Goes through the data and updates the buffered minimum and maximum data values.

Calling this method is only advised if you are about to call QCPColorMap::rescaleDataRange and can not guarantee that the cells holding the maximum or minimum data haven't been overwritten with a smaller or larger value respectively, since the buffered maximum/minimum values have been updated the last time. Why this is the case is explained in the class description (QCPColorMapData).

Note that the method QCPColorMap::rescaleDataRange provides a parameter recalculateDataBounds for convenience. Setting this to true will call this method for you, before doing the rescale.

Definition at line 19872 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorMapData::setCell ( int  keyIndex,
int  valueIndex,
double  z 

Sets the data of the cell with indices keyIndex and valueIndex to z. The indices enumerate the cells starting from zero, up to the map's size-1 in the respective dimension (see setSize).

In the standard plot configuration (horizontal key axis and vertical value axis, both not range-reversed), the cell with indices (0, 0) is in the bottom left corner and the cell with indices (keySize-1, valueSize-1) is in the top right corner of the color map.

See also
setData, setSize

Definition at line 19846 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorMapData::setData ( double  key,
double  value,
double  z 

Sets the data of the cell, which lies at the plot coordinates given by key and value, to z.

The QCPColorMap always displays the data at equal key/value intervals, even if the key or value axis is set to a logarithmic scaling. If you want to use QCPColorMap with logarithmic axes, you shouldn't use the QCPColorMapData::setData method as it uses a linear transformation to determine the cell index. Rather directly access the cell index with QCPColorMapData::setCell.
See also
setCell, setRange

Definition at line 19820 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorMapData::setKeyRange ( const QCPRange keyRange)

Sets the coordinate range the data shall be distributed over in the key dimension. Together with the value range, This defines the rectangular area covered by the color map in plot coordinates.

The outer cells will be centered on the range boundaries given to this function. For example, if the key size (setKeySize) is 3 and keyRange is set to QCPRange(2, 3) there will be cells centered on the key coordinates 2, 2.5 and 3.

See also
setRange, setValueRange, setSize

Definition at line 19788 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorMapData::setKeySize ( int  keySize)

Resizes the data array to have keySize cells in the key dimension.

The current data is discarded and the map cells are set to 0, unless the map had already the requested size.

Setting keySize to zero frees the internal data array and isEmpty returns true.

See also
setKeyRange, setSize, setValueSize

Definition at line 19742 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorMapData::setRange ( const QCPRange keyRange,
const QCPRange valueRange 

Sets the coordinate ranges the data shall be distributed over. This defines the rectangular area covered by the color map in plot coordinates.

The outer cells will be centered on the range boundaries given to this function. For example, if the key size (setKeySize) is 3 and keyRange is set to QCPRange(2, 3) there will be cells centered on the key coordinates 2, 2.5 and 3.

See also

Definition at line 19772 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorMapData::setSize ( int  keySize,
int  valueSize 

Resizes the data array to have keySize cells in the key dimension and valueSize cells in the value dimension.

The current data is discarded and the map cells are set to 0, unless the map had already the requested size.

Setting at least one of keySize or valueSize to zero frees the internal data array and isEmpty returns true.

See also
setRange, setKeySize, setValueSize

Definition at line 19704 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorMapData::setValueRange ( const QCPRange valueRange)

Sets the coordinate range the data shall be distributed over in the value dimension. Together with the key range, This defines the rectangular area covered by the color map in plot coordinates.

The outer cells will be centered on the range boundaries given to this function. For example, if the value size (setValueSize) is 3 and valueRange is set to QCPRange(2, 3) there will be cells centered on the value coordinates 2, 2.5 and 3.

See also
setRange, setKeyRange, setSize

Definition at line 19803 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

void QCPColorMapData::setValueSize ( int  valueSize)

Resizes the data array to have valueSize cells in the value dimension.

The current data is discarded and the map cells are set to 0, unless the map had already the requested size.

Setting valueSize to zero frees the internal data array and isEmpty returns true.

See also
setValueRange, setSize, setKeySize

Definition at line 19757 of file qcustomplot.cpp.

QCPRange QCPColorMapData::valueRange ( ) const

Definition at line 3009 of file qcustomplot.h.

int QCPColorMapData::valueSize ( ) const

Definition at line 3007 of file qcustomplot.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class QCPColorMap

Definition at line 3042 of file qcustomplot.h.

Member Data Documentation

double* QCPColorMapData::mData

Definition at line 3038 of file qcustomplot.h.

QCPRange QCPColorMapData::mDataBounds

Definition at line 3039 of file qcustomplot.h.

bool QCPColorMapData::mDataModified

Definition at line 3040 of file qcustomplot.h.

bool QCPColorMapData::mIsEmpty

Definition at line 3036 of file qcustomplot.h.

QCPRange QCPColorMapData::mKeyRange

Definition at line 3035 of file qcustomplot.h.

int QCPColorMapData::mKeySize

Definition at line 3034 of file qcustomplot.h.

QCPRange QCPColorMapData::mValueRange

Definition at line 3035 of file qcustomplot.h.

int QCPColorMapData::mValueSize

Definition at line 3034 of file qcustomplot.h.

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