Content: Bucket-sort queue class
Description: A bucket-sort queue. It is useful to sort a large set of elements whose weight domain is not very large, e.g. IFT and OPF algorithms over MR images.
Future add-on's: Deal with negative values. Add fast operation functions in which queue does not grow. Warning: In Boost library, there is a class named circular_buffer that may do exactly the same as Vector< WeightNode >
Content: Dicom header reader
Description: Reads Dicom file and header containts. Based on Fabio Kawaoka Takase implementation.
Future add-on's: - Translate all comments to English. Reformat code to Bial standard
Content: Marching Cubes Algorithm
Description: Algorithm proposed by Lorensen and Cline to extract triangle meshes from isosurfaces.
Future add-on's: unknown
Content: Minimum spanning tree class
Description: Minimum spanning three algorithm.
Future add-on's: Instead of fixed bucket size, use adaptive bucket size, according to the minimum distance in the feature space
Content: NiftiHeader class
Description: Magnetic Resonance Image class.
Future add-on's: Complete nifti header extension support and analyze 7.5 support
Content: Random-access queue class declaration.
Description: A random-acess queue. Its size is fixed. As soon as it gets full, the first inserted element is automatically replaced by the next inserted element.
It is useful to find the median element as walking through signal or image data, e.g. MedianFilter method of Signal class. Insertion and removal are made in limiar time with respect to the queue size.
Access to ordered keys by position is made in constant time.
Future add-on's:
Content: Vector class
Description: A vector that calls almost all std::vector functions (C++11 standard).
Future add-on's: Things that speedup processing