Biomedical Image Analysis Library
The Biomedical Image Analysis Library is a poweful tool for developers, physicians, researchers, engineers, and so on.
inc Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for inc:


file  Adjacency.hpp [code]
file  AdjacencyGrayCode.hpp [code]
file  AdjacencyIterator.hpp [code]
file  AdjacencyMarchingCube.hpp [code]
file  AdjacencyRound.hpp [code]
file  Array.hpp [code]
 Content: Array class
Description: A array that calls almost all std::array functions (C++11 standard).
Future add-on's: Things that speedup processing.
file  BinaryCOG.hpp [code]
file  BinaryComplement.hpp [code]
file  Bit.hpp [code]
file  BrainCOG.hpp [code]
file  BrainInhomogeneity.hpp [code]
file  BrainIntensities.hpp [code]
file  BrainSkullStripping.hpp [code]
file  BrainTissueSegmentation.hpp [code]
file  BSpline.hpp [code]
file  BucketQueue.hpp [code]
 Content: Bucket-sort queue class
Description: A bucket-sort queue. It is useful to sort a large set of elements whose weight domain is not very large, e.g. IFT and OPF algorithms over MR images.
Future add-on's: Deal with negative values. Add fast operation functions in which queue does not grow. Warning: In Boost library, there is a class named circular_buffer that may do exactly the same as Vector< WeightNode >.
file  BucketQueueElements.hpp [code]
file  ChessBoardDistanceFunction.hpp [code]
file  CityBlockDistanceFunction.hpp [code]
file  ClusteringIFT.hpp [code]
file  Color.hpp [code]
file  ColorChannel.hpp [code]
file  ColorFeature.hpp [code]
file  ColorHSI.hpp [code]
file  ColorLab.hpp [code]
file  ColorMedianFeature.hpp [code]
file  ColorRGB.hpp [code]
file  Common.hpp [code]
 Content: Commonly used macros, types, static variables and functions.
Description: Some macros used by many classes.
file  ConnPathFunction.hpp [code]
file  Correlation.hpp [code]
file  DegeneratedIFT.hpp [code]
file  DFIDE.hpp [code]
file  DicomHeader.hpp [code]
 Content: Dicom header reader
Description: Reads Dicom file and header containts. Based on Fabio Kawaoka Takase implementation.
Future add-on's: - Translate all comments to English. Reformat code to Bial standard.
file  DiffPathFunction.hpp [code]
file  DiffusionFunction.hpp [code]
file  Display.hpp [code]
file  DistanceFunction.hpp [code]
file  DrawBox.hpp [code]
file  DrawCircle.hpp [code]
file  DrawFigure.hpp [code]
file  DrawIntersection.hpp [code]
file  DrawLine.hpp [code]
file  DrawPoint.hpp [code]
file  DrawSequence.hpp [code]
file  DrawShape.hpp [code]
file  DrawSVGGraph.hpp [code]
file  EdgeLazyWalk.hpp [code]
file  EdgeLiveWire.hpp [code]
file  EdgeMaxPathFunction.hpp [code]
file  EdgeRiverBed.hpp [code]
file  EuclideanDistanceFunction.hpp [code]
file  Feature.hpp [code]
file  FeaturePathFunction.hpp [code]
file  FeatureResize.hpp [code]
file  File.hpp [code]
file  FileBMP.hpp [code]
file  FileDicom.hpp [code]
file  FileFeature.hpp [code]
file  FileImage.hpp [code]
file  FileMatrix.hpp [code]
file  FileNifti.hpp [code]
file  FilePNM.hpp [code]
file  FileScene.hpp [code]
file  FileSignal.hpp [code]
file  FilteringAnisotropicDiffusion.hpp [code]
file  FilteringGaussian.hpp [code]
file  FilteringMean.hpp [code]
file  FilteringMedian.hpp [code]
file  FilteringOptimalAnisotropicDiffusion.hpp [code]
file  FuzzyCMeans.hpp [code]
 Content: FuzzyCMeans class
Description: Implementation of Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm for 3D images.
file  GDCM.hpp [code]
 Content: Bial GDCM class
Description: Wrapper to the GDCM library.
file  GeodesicPathFunction.hpp [code]
file  Geometrics.hpp [code]
file  GeometricsAffine.hpp [code]
file  GeometricsRotate.hpp [code]
file  GeometricsScale.hpp [code]
file  GeometricsShear.hpp [code]
file  GeometricsTranslate.hpp [code]
file  GeoSumPathFunction.hpp [code]
file  GradientCanny.hpp [code]
file  GradientDirectional.hpp [code]
file  GradientGabor.hpp [code]
file  GradientMorphological.hpp [code]
file  GradientPosOperations.hpp [code]
file  GradientScaleCanny.hpp [code]
file  GradientSobel.hpp [code]
file  Graph.hpp [code]
file  GraphAdjacency.hpp [code]
file  gzstream.hpp [code]
file  HeartCOG.hpp [code]
file  HeartSegmentation.hpp [code]
file  HierarchicalGraph.hpp [code]
file  HierarchicalPathFunction.hpp [code]
file  Histogram.hpp [code]
file  HoughCircle.hpp [code]
file  Image.hpp [code]
file  ImageEquals.hpp [code]
file  ImageFrame.hpp [code]
file  ImageIFT.hpp [code]
file  ImageInterpolation.hpp [code]
file  ImageMerge.hpp [code]
file  ImageResize.hpp [code]
file  ImageROI.hpp [code]
file  ImageSplit.hpp [code]
file  ImageSwapDims.hpp [code]
file  InfBucketQueue.hpp [code]
file  Integral.hpp [code]
file  IntensityGlobals.hpp [code]
file  IntensityLocals.hpp [code]
file  Kernel.hpp [code]
file  KernelBox.hpp [code]
file  KernelGabor.hpp [code]
file  KernelGaussian.hpp [code]
file  KernelIterator.hpp [code]
file  KernelRound.hpp [code]
file  KernelSobel.hpp [code]
file  KnnGraphAdjacency.hpp [code]
file  LocalMaxPathFunction.hpp [code]
file  LSHGraphAdjacency.hpp [code]
file  MarchingCubes.hpp [code]
 Content: Marching Cubes Algorithm
Description: Algorithm proposed by Lorensen and Cline to extract triangle meshes from isosurfaces.
Future add-on's: unknown.
file  Matrix.hpp [code]
file  MatrixDeterminant.hpp [code]
file  MatrixIdentity.hpp [code]
file  MatrixInverse.hpp [code]
file  MatrixPolar.hpp [code]
file  MatrixResize.hpp [code]
file  MatrixTranspose.hpp [code]
file  MaxPathFunction.hpp [code]
file  MaxSumPathFunction.hpp [code]
file  MedianFeature.hpp [code]
file  MinimumSpanningTree.hpp [code]
 Content: Minimum spanning tree class
Description: Minimum spanning three algorithm.
Future add-on's: Instead of fixed bucket size, use adaptive bucket size, according to the minimum distance in the feature space.
file  MinPathFunction.hpp [code]
file  MorphologyDilation.hpp [code]
file  MorphologyErosion.hpp [code]
file  MRIModality.hpp [code]
file  MultiImage.hpp [code]
file  NiftiHeader.hpp [code]
 Content: NiftiHeader class
Description: Magnetic Resonance Image class.
Future add-on's: Complete nifti header extension support and analyze 7.5 support.
file  OPFClusterMatching.hpp [code]
file  OPFHierarchicalClustering.hpp [code]
file  OPFSpatialClustering.hpp [code]
file  OPFSpectralClustering.hpp [code]
file  OrientedExternPathFunction.hpp [code]
file  OrientedInternPathFunction.hpp [code]
file  PathFunction.hpp [code]
file  PixelInterpolation.hpp [code]
file  Plotting.hpp [code]
file  PNMHeader.hpp [code]
 Content: PNM Header class
Description: PNM Header class.
Future add-on's: Read function, or read string constructor.
file  PreEuclideanDistanceFunction.hpp [code]
file  RandomQueue.hpp [code]
 Content: Random-access queue class declaration.
Description: A random-acess queue. Its size is fixed. As soon as it gets full, the first inserted element is automatically replaced by the next inserted element.
It is useful to find the median element as walking through signal or image data, e.g. MedianFilter method of Signal class. Insertion and removal are made in limiar time with respect to the queue size.
Access to ordered keys by position is made in constant time.
Future add-on's:
file  RealColor.hpp [code]
file  Sample.hpp [code]
file  SampleRandom.hpp [code]
file  SampleUniform.hpp [code]
file  SegmentationBackground.hpp [code]
file  SegmentationBorder.hpp [code]
file  SegmentationConnectedComponents.hpp [code]
file  SegmentationGeoStar.hpp [code]
file  SegmentationHysteresis.hpp [code]
file  SegmentationIntensityThreshold.hpp [code]
file  SegmentationMST.hpp [code]
file  SegmentationOctants.hpp [code]
file  SegmentationOtsuThreshold.hpp [code]
file  SegmentationQuadrants.hpp [code]
file  SegmentationSurface.hpp [code]
file  SegmentationWatershed.hpp [code]
file  Signal.hpp [code]
file  SignalAccumulate.hpp [code]
file  SignalEmptyBins.hpp [code]
file  SignalEqualize.hpp [code]
file  SignalHysteresis.hpp [code]
file  SignalKeyPoints.hpp [code]
file  SignalMedianFilter.hpp [code]
file  SignalNormalize.hpp [code]
file  SignalOtsuThreshold.hpp [code]
file  SortingBinarySearch.hpp [code]
file  SortingSort.hpp [code]
file  SpatialFeature.hpp [code]
file  SquareEuclideanDistanceFunction.hpp [code]
file  StatisticsAverage.hpp [code]
file  StatisticsBaddeley.hpp [code]
file  StatisticsDice.hpp [code]
file  StatisticsJaccard.hpp [code]
file  StatisticsKappa.hpp [code]
file  StatisticsMAD.hpp [code]
file  StatisticsObsAgree.hpp [code]
file  StatisticsPosNeg.hpp [code]
file  StatisticsStdDev.hpp [code]
file  SumPathFunction.hpp [code]
file  Superpixel.hpp [code]
file  Table.hpp [code]
file  TransformEuclDist.hpp [code]
file  TransformEuclDistInv.hpp [code]
file  Vector.hpp [code]
 Content: Vector class
Description: A vector that calls almost all std::vector functions (C++11 standard).
Future add-on's: Things that speedup processing.