Biomedical Image Analysis Library
The Biomedical Image Analysis Library is a poweful tool for developers, physicians, researchers, engineers, and so on.
Bial::Hough Namespace Reference


template<class D >
Vector< CircleHoughCircles (Image< D > &img, float scale, float min_dist, size_t min_radius, size_t max_radius, float canny_threshold, size_t detection_threshold, int canny_levels, int clean_edges)
 Hough transform to detect circles in the input image. More...

Function Documentation

template<class D >
Vector< Circle > Bial::Hough::HoughCircles ( Image< D > &  img,
float  scale,
float  min_dist,
size_t  min_radius,
size_t  max_radius,
float  canny_threshold,
size_t  detection_threshold,
int  canny_levels,
int  clean_edges 

Hough transform to detect circles in the input image.

imgInput image.
scaleThe scale in which hough transform is executed. Should be greater than 0.0.
min_distMinimum distance between detected circles.
min_radius,max_radiusRange of the radius of the circles.
canny_thresholdCanny higher threshold. Lower threshold is set to canny_threshold / 2.
detection_thresholdThreshold to accept or reject a circle. Suggested range: 10 to 200.
canny_levelsNumber of levels in multi-level canny implementation. Suggestion: 1 to 3.
clean_edgesUse heuristic to remove border segments that will not contribute to find the circles.
A vector containing all detected circles.