Biomedical Image Analysis Library
The Biomedical Image Analysis Library is a poweful tool for developers, physicians, researchers, engineers, and so on.
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CBial::AdjacencyAdjacency relation and forward iteratior related to a matrix
 CBial::AdjacencyIteratorAdjacency iterator
 CBial::Array< D, S >A array that calls almost all std::array functions (C++11 standard)
 CBial::Array< float, 4 >
 CBial::Array< uchar, 4 >
 CBial::BBoxBounding Box with 8 vertices, and can be represented by 2 points (6coordinates)
 CBial::Brain::BrainIntensitiesRobust statistics for minimum and maximum tissue intensities
 CBial::BucketQueueStandard bucket queue class, that may work with both integer or real values
 CBial::CellUsed in MarchingCubes algorithm to describe a single marching cube data
 CDotZLib.ChecksumGeneratorDeclares methods and properties that enables a running checksum to be calculated
 CDotZLib.CodecDeclares methods and events for implementing compressors/decompressors
 CBial::CommonCommonly used macros, types, static variables and functions
 CBial::DegeneratedIFT< C, D >
 CBial::DegeneratedIFT< Image, D >
 CBial::DifferentialGeometryParametric representation of the Shape geometry
 CBial::DiffusionFunctionDiffusion functions to compute annisotropic filtering and other algorithms
 CBial::DistanceFunction< DERIVED >
 CBial::DistanceFunction< ChessBoardDistanceFunction >
 CBial::DistanceFunction< CityBlockDistanceFunction >
 CBial::DistanceFunction< EuclideanDistanceFunction >
 CBial::DistanceFunction< PreEuclideanDistanceFunction >
 CBial::DistanceFunction< SquareEuclideanDistanceFunction >
 CBial::Feature< D >Feature vector class. It is essentialy a matrix where, the first dimention refers to the feature and the other dimension to the element
 CBial::Figure< DERIVED >
 CBial::Figure< Box >
 CBial::Figure< Circle >
 CBial::Figure< Line >
 CBial::Figure< Point >
 CBial::Figure< Sequence >
 CBial::FuzzyCMeans< D >
 CBial::GraphAdjacency< DERIVED >Graph Operator classes. Used to compute OPF. May use Knn, LSH, etc
 CBial::GraphAdjacency< KnnGraphAdjacency >
 CBial::GraphAdjacency< LSHGraphAdjacency >
 Cgzomanip< T >
 Cgzomanip2< T1, T2 >Gzipped file output stream manipulator class
 CBial::HoughDecreaseCompare< D >Class is used to compare elements in decreasing order to sort hough circle candidates
 CBial::HoughIncreaseCompare< D >Class is used to compare elements in increasing order to sort hough circle candidates
 CBial::Image< D >The Image class is used to handle N-Dimensional images, and has support to Read and Write image files
 CBial::Image< Bial::Color >
 CBial::Image< Bial::RealColor >
 CBial::Image< float >
 CBial::Image< int >
 CDotZLib.InfoEncapsulates general information about the ZLib library
 CBial::IntegralA class to handle integral image
 CBial::MarchingCubesAlgorithm proposed by Lorensen and Cline to extract triangle meshes from isosurfaces
 CBial::Matrix< D >Dimensional matrix handeling. When acessed by (x, y), or (x, y, z) operator, index x corresponds to the index of the column, and index y corresponds to the index of the row. This standard comes from text printing order and image display and storage in most of the computer systems
 CBial::Matrix< Bial::Color >
 CBial::Matrix< Bial::RealColor >
 CBial::Matrix< double >
 CBial::Matrix< float >
 CBial::Matrix< int >
 CBial::Matrix< size_t >
 CBial::MinimumSpanningTreeMinimum spanning three algorithm
 CBial::MultiImageMay have only one of the following image types: int, float, Color, or RealColor
 CBial::NiftiHeaderMagnetic Resonance Image class
 CBial::NormalGeometric representation of a Normal in 3D space.
A surface normal (or just normal) is a vector that is perpendicular to a surface at a particular position.
It can be defined as the cross product of any two nonparallel vectors that are tangent to the surface at a point.
The implementations of Normal3D and Vector3D are very similar. Like vectors, normals are represented by three floats x, y, and z;
they can be added and subtracted to compute new normals; and they can be scaled and normalized.
However, a normal cannot be added to a point, and one cannot take the cross product of two normals
 CBial::PathFunction< C, D >Path function to compute the initial path-values and propagated path-values
 CBial::PathFunction< Image, D >
 CBial::PixelInterpolationGeometric transforms that change image spatially
 CBial::PlottingPlotting algorithms
 CBial::PNMHeaderPNM Header class
 CBial::Point3DGeometric representation of a point in 3D space.
A point is a zero­dimensional location in 3D space
 CQCPBarDataHolds the data of one single data point (one bar) for QCPBars
 CQCPColorGradientDefines a color gradient for use with e.g. QCPColorMap
 CQCPColorMapDataHolds the two-dimensional data of a QCPColorMap plottable
 CQCPCurveDataHolds the data of one single data point for QCPCurve
 CQCPDataHolds the data of one single data point for QCPGraph
 CQCPFinancialDataHolds the data of one single data point for QCPFinancial
 CQCPItemAnchorAn anchor of an item to which positions can be attached to
 CQCPLineEndingHandles the different ending decorations for line-like items
 CQCPRangeRepresents the range an axis is encompassing
 CQCPScatterStyleRepresents the visual appearance of scatter points
 CBial::RandomQueueA random-acess queue. Its size is fixed. As soon as it gets full, the first inserted element is automatically replaced by the next inserted element.
It is useful to find the median element as walking through signal or image data, e.g. MedianFilter method of Signal class. Insertion and removal are made in limiar time with respect to the queue size.
Access to ordered keys by position is made in constant time
 CBial::RayMathematic representation of a light ray.
A ray is a semi­infinite line specified by its origin and direction
 CBial::RealColorClass RealColor is used to handle multi-channels in pixels with floating point values
 CBial::SampleMethods for sampling elements
 CBial::SignalSignal handeling declaration
 CBial::TableCellTableCell is the data type that composes the Table class cells
 CBial::Transform3DHolds affine matrices and is used to apply geometric transformations over cartesian coordinates.
The affine transformation multiplies the coordinates vector to the affine matrix
 CBial::Vector< D >
 CBial::Vector3DGeometric representation of a vector direction in 3D space
 CBial::Vector< Bial::Color >
 CBial::Vector< Bial::IdentityNode >
 CBial::Vector< Bial::RealColor >
 CBial::Vector< Bial::TableCell >
 CBial::Vector< Bial::TableColumn >
 CBial::Vector< Bial::Vector< double > >
 CBial::Vector< Bial::Vector< float > >
 CBial::Vector< Bial::Vector< size_t > >
 CBial::Vector< Bial::WeightNode >
 CBial::Vector< bool >
 CBial::Vector< double >
 CBial::Vector< float >
 CBial::Vector< int >
 CBial::Vector< size_t >
 CBial::Vector< std::string >
 CBial::Vector< ullint >